Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
An opponent of Islam approached an Imam who was a teacher of Islam and said to him "Who is this God that you worship? You cannot see him, nor hear him, or feel him nor smell him".
"Tell me how is it that you can believe in a thing that you cannot prove to exist? Answer me that!" he asked the Imam cockily, thinking he had asked a question that would be unanswered by the religious man.
The Imam looked calmly at the non-believer, lifted his hand and promptly smacked the other man across the face.
The non-believer's eyes widened in surprise. While he was still reeling from shock, the Imam asked him "Does it hurt?" to which the heathen replied indignantly "Of course it hurts!". Without skipping a beat, the Imam continued "But how can I believe that you have pain? I cannot see your pain, nor hear your pain, not taste it, nor feel it."
And with this, the non-believer was enlightened.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
windmill hill graffiti
This is exactly what I mean. So free we are. How unconstrained by human made rules. Silly rules like working from 9 - 5? Perish the thought! We work willingly, at any time we please, it just so happens that we tend to work from 9 - 5, for some reason.
Throngs of drones, identical in their pressed shirts and ties, decide to have lunch at 1.00 pm, because naturally that's the time when humans feels hungry. "I'm an individual" you hear one of them voice. You turn your head to identify this "free soul" who has decided to break away from convention, only to find your gaze lost in a sea of GQ and designer hairstyles. Each exactly the same as the other, gelled spike for gelled spike.
Gelled spikes that hide dreams of big cars and houses, moneys and titles and fame and power. Because that's what everyone dreams of. That is the definition of success. And who doesn't want success?
"go to work, send your kids to school
follow fashion, act normal
walk on the pavements, watch T.V.
save for your old age, obey the law
Repeat after me: I am free"
Monday, April 07, 2008
Let the World Read
From jomread.com:
"You know how you sometimes think “I’d like to pick up a good book and sit in and read this Sunday”, but never seem to because you didn’t have time to look for one, or because shelling out RM80 for a book you might end up reading only once seems too wasteful?
Remember one of your friends who not only loves reading books, but loves spreading the knowledge too? The one who will go out of the way just to lend you a great book? All you have to do is just meet up with that particular friend and bring home something to read. Easy, isn’t it?
We are not here to replace you generous friend. But we sure would like to be one of yours. That’s why we would love to lend you one book at a time for you to read, once you’ve finished it, we’ll send you another one."
Head on over to jomread.com if you love reading!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
This fella's post reminded me of a quote she had slipped me once,
"Nothing in the world will take away persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than an unsuccessful man with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are" omnipotent."
Calvin Coolidge
I thought I'd share it.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Sunday, March 02, 2008
I'll take "Stupid Answers" for $200.
"What's a frog's favourite saying?"
I just realized I'm a huge procrastinator. Actually I didn't just realize that, I just never got to writing about it till now. Because I didn't have the time.
Why do we? Why do we not do the things needing done? Finding numerous excuses not to do something now seems to almost come naturally. We always find excuses to not do something now. My favourite is when I say "But it's almost midnight and I have to go to work tomorrow". And then continue to browse Facebook till 4 a.m.
I must write, but I give myself lame excuses that always seem to work on me. What dumbshit gets duped by himself? Me, apparently. Stupid dumbshit goddamn motherfucker. Offspring. That's what it reminds me of. Which reminds me of this girl in university. She wore a t-shirt with the words 'stupid dumbshit goddamn motherfucker' written on the back during orientation. Her features appear vivid in my mind. She's related to me, in a distant second cousinish sort of way. Rina? Rita! I think it was she who wore that shirt.
The unwrapping of God's gift to women has begun! A daunting task faces our youngish hero. Will he make it? Will he succeed in unraveling that which women have longed for since the dawn of time? Or will the fate of unheroes before await him at the bitter end? Find out more when I feel like it.
I wonder where Rita is. I think she's probably married. I wonder if she is? I maybe could find her on facebook if I wanted. Just to say hi is all. Rita. This must be what a stalker in the making's train of thought might sound like. She is pretty hot though. And if I bring her God's gift? What then? But she's probably married. To Wes. I think that was his name. Wes. Dashing good looks, charisma, a smile that just beamed confidence and charm. Wes.
I'm going to check out facebook. To reply messages. From people who are not named Rita. Maybe.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
They don't make cartoons like they used to...
His next entry about the shortlived but very much loved cartoon, 'DinoRiders' (which kid didn't love anything with dinosaurs in it?), had me thinking "man, they don't make cartoons like they used to".
I was about to make a list of cartoons that kick ass, but Obefiend already made a short one in his comments, instead here are some cartoon theme songs that I think are so kick ass I will probably still be humming this shit when I'm in the old folks home. Prepare to feel the thunder inside!
Spiral Zone
Earth's most powerful soldiers, are earth's last chance against the odd assortment of meth addicts with a bad case of Herpes.
Saber Rider
This show is badass! I still have shivers running down my spine when I hear Ramrod's mechanical voice say "Ramrod will now take navigational control. Head 'em up, move 'em out". And the guitar solo in the title song? Fan-fucken-tastic!
Knight of the magical light! This had magic and 3D holograms, there's no way you can you go wrong with that.
G.I. Joe
Real American Heroes!
Thundercats (Which was conspicuously absent from Obefiend's list, I just realized).
Sight beyond sight! And then there was always that parody that kids used to sing in school, "Cheetara lari laju, terbuka baju" or something to that effect.
M-m-m-mask! I used to have the black jeep and the orange cadillac toys. Jackhammer and....Rhino was it? I forget, but so awesome nonetheless.
I would've included the theme song from Transformers, but everyone and their grandma's got that as their ringtone nowadays, I'm sure you don't need to hear it.
But here's one last theme song that I'm sure will give a blast to the past for all the 80's kids out there
Yessir, Space Cop Gaban! Transforms in 0.005 seconds! Slices monsters bigger than medium sized cities! Batman ain't got nothin' on this motherfucker. For the less informed amongst you, there were two other space cops besides Gaban; Space Cop Sharivan and Space Cop Shaidar (of which I think Shaidar is the lamest). Check out this wiki entry to load your head with more useless information you will never need in your practical everyday life! (You don't waste time on useless information, you say? Then tell me why is it that you can remember the theme song for Doraemon. In fucking Japanese.)
Stay tuned for more bullshit when I feel like it.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Beat this!
Who would've thought that a flight simulation of a paper airplane could be so fascinating and addictive. Look forward to a whole day's worth of unproductive madness right here.
Let me know if you beat my score, because I'm pretty sure you can't. The other 21279 people? They're fucking cheats, that what.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Pirate Bay involved in mass leaks
Thursday, January 24, 2008
We're under attack!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Of sheep and men.
Or are we really just making it to look like we know to assuage the society we live in. So they'll think "look at that guy. Just look at him! 5 times a day without a miss. A shining example of an outstanding Muslim!".
Or maybe not even that! Maybe we're not even striving to look exemplary in the eyes of society at large. I suggest we might actually be doing it simply to avoid criticism. Fear. Not even a fear of God, but a fear of fellow man.
I ran out of juice.
Then I thought of a topic.
And I think it uncanny.
We are but sheep when we should be lions.
Of Birds
To southern skies
Or so that's what I hear
I wouldn't know
A hawk from a sparrow
If the difference bit me in the rear
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The ways of words
I say words have a way with me
I pick out sentences from the ether
With their meanings hidden within
Sometimes I see
Sometimes it comes out at me
And sometimes it just swallows me whole
I think and I stutter
To say words that should oughta
Give meaning to my life and my soul
Sat, Jan 19th 2008
I wonder what this will sound like
once the trip's over.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A little free advice.
This afternoon, I got an email from someone which claimed that BILL FUCKING GATES would give you money if you forwarded said email to your friends like good little lemmings.
Because I love you guys, I'm going to give you all a little advice.
I would like for all of you to take a few minutes and think. Think real hard. Like you've never thought before (because judging from how gullible you people are, I somehow doubt that any of you have ever tried this thing called thinking before).
Now here's what I want you to think about;
How the hell does Bill Gates get your banking details, from your email address?
Half of you aren't even using your real names at all anywhere in your email address. How the hell is Bill Gates, omnipotent and powerful though you think he may be, going to know that mat_kool_1977@yahoo.com.sg has a savings account in HSBC? How the hell is anybody supposed to know who the hell mat_kool is, unless you already happen to be acquaintances and/or exchange emails regularly.
That's right, you see how your head hurts now? That's your brain trying to move those rusty gears that it hasn't used in a while. That buzzing sound you hear? That's your cerebrum, creating nerve connections between the millions of brain cells that have been lying dormant in your skull. Trust me, this will be good exercise for you.
People, next time before you start randomly forwarding e-mails that claim to give you something for absofuckenlutely nothing, take a deep breath, and THINK. Don't be cows and follow the herd. Allah gave us a head with which we can evaluate situations, and determine if they might be good or bad. Or in this case, fucking POINTLESS.
Maybe, just maybe, if even 10% of you take heed of my advice, perhaps TMs sucky straight-from-hell-lame-ass-excuse-for-broadband service just might improve from the decrease in mass forwardings of moronic emails. And at the very least, I will have to sift through less shit in my Inbox.
Thanks for your fucking time.