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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

windmill hill graffiti

windmill hill graffiti, originally uploaded by pshab.

This is exactly what I mean. So free we are. How unconstrained by human made rules. Silly rules like working from 9 - 5? Perish the thought! We work willingly, at any time we please, it just so happens that we tend to work from 9 - 5, for some reason.

Throngs of drones, identical in their pressed shirts and ties, decide to have lunch at 1.00 pm, because naturally that's the time when humans feels hungry. "I'm an individual" you hear one of them voice. You turn your head to identify this "free soul" who has decided to break away from convention, only to find your gaze lost in a sea of GQ and designer hairstyles. Each exactly the same as the other, gelled spike for gelled spike.

Gelled spikes that hide dreams of big cars and houses, moneys and titles and fame and power. Because that's what everyone dreams of. That is the definition of success. And who doesn't want success?

"go to work, send your kids to school
follow fashion, act normal
walk on the pavements, watch T.V.
save for your old age, obey the law
Repeat after me: I am free"

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