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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

“Berani mati tak mati, berani kalah tak kalah”, Harimau Kumbang of Raja Rimba

I was reading Pydd's multiply journal, and found that quote from a Hong Kong comic book in one of her entries. I always found the quotes they used in Hong Kong comic books to be quite amusing, and at times quite wise (at least the ones that were translated in BM, since I can't read Chinese).

I wonder if any of you know of any good 'Honkie Comic Quotes' or references. I remember a few I think:

"Bila keranda diusung, baru bercucuran air mata"

"Kail panjang sejengkal, lautan dalam jangan diduga"

"Lebih kuat/dalam/tinggi/(insert adjective here) dari 7 petala langit dan 7 petala bumi" (It would also seem that every Hero's super secret killer move has to have something to do with 7 petala langit and 7 petala bumi).

Add more in the comments if you know any. It'd be interesting to see what other quotes you might have found memorable.