I've moved this blog over to http://www.jomcode.com/fadhil. Click on that to go there. Or not. You'll be forwarded there in 5 seconds.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A little free advice.

People, brothers, sisters, countrymen,

This afternoon, I got an email from someone which claimed that BILL FUCKING GATES would give you money if you forwarded said email to your friends like good little lemmings.

Because I love you guys, I'm going to give you all a little advice.
I would like for all of you to take a few minutes and think. Think real hard. Like you've never thought before (because judging from how gullible you people are, I somehow doubt that any of you have ever tried this thing called thinking before).

Now here's what I want you to think about;
How the hell does Bill Gates get your banking details, from your email address?

Half of you aren't even using your real names at all anywhere in your email address. How the hell is Bill Gates, omnipotent and powerful though you think he may be, going to know that mat_kool_1977@yahoo.com.sg has a savings account in HSBC? How the hell is anybody supposed to know who the hell mat_kool is, unless you already happen to be acquaintances and/or exchange emails regularly.

That's right, you see how your head hurts now? That's your brain trying to move those rusty gears that it hasn't used in a while. That buzzing sound you hear? That's your cerebrum, creating nerve connections between the millions of brain cells that have been lying dormant in your skull. Trust me, this will be good exercise for you.

People, next time before you start randomly forwarding e-mails that claim to give you something for absofuckenlutely nothing, take a deep breath, and THINK. Don't be cows and follow the herd. Allah gave us a head with which we can evaluate situations, and determine if they might be good or bad. Or in this case, fucking POINTLESS.

Maybe, just maybe, if even 10% of you take heed of my advice, perhaps TMs sucky straight-from-hell-lame-ass-excuse-for-broadband service just might improve from the decrease in mass forwardings of moronic emails. And at the very least, I will have to sift through less shit in my Inbox.

Thanks for your fucking time.



d|aBoL|c e'En said...

hail taymen! hahhhahh

Obefiend Weiland said...

too think that you update dur damn blog for such a dumb ass chain mail!

wata fak

oh yeah. can you do one for friendster,myspace, the sheikh of dubai and that bloke from Nigeria also can ah?

so all the dumbfuckus can learn

Snuze said...

ROTF LMAO. Can I copy this and send it to every asshats who kept spamming my inbox with this kind of shit?

*requesting permission to plagiarise*

Fadhil Luqman said...

Of course you may Snuze!

But just FYI, I kinda moved this blog over to http://jomcode.com/fadhil

In case you wanna read more. :)