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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Of sheep and men.

I was just checking out a couple friends' blogs when I stumbled upon this over at Whoishe's. Too true. Many of us don't really understand our own religion. We get incensed over it when others mock it. But don't we mock it more by merely "acting out" the religion and not even feigning to understand the meanings behind it? I mean, if we were even pretending to be looking for answers, it might seem like we give a damn. But we don't even do that.

Or are we really just making it to look like we know to assuage the society we live in. So they'll think "look at that guy. Just look at him! 5 times a day without a miss. A shining example of an outstanding Muslim!".

Or maybe not even that! Maybe we're not even striving to look exemplary in the eyes of society at large. I suggest we might actually be doing it simply to avoid criticism. Fear. Not even a fear of God, but a fear of fellow man.

I ran out of juice.

Then I thought of a topic.

And I think it uncanny.

We are but sheep when we should be lions.

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